#Bengal Tiger, Hanshi Premjit Sen roars at the #National#Master#E-Kata ChampionshipFor the #first#time in #India under the able supervision of Sensei Hari Prasad Patnaik, OSKA organised National Masters E – Kata Championship dedicated to celebrate the 55th Birthday of Hanshi Bharat Sharma. Amongst the 52 Male participants from all over India, the Karate Legend of Bengal, Hanshi Premjit Sen proved once again why he is called the #Bengal#Tiger of #Indian#Karate. He not only won a #Gold Medal in his category, but also won a #cash prize of Rs. 10000/-Sensei Tumpa Karmakar also won a Bronze Medal in the Female Category.The results are as follows -Male KataGold medal -10.000/-Premjit Sen -West BengalSilver Medal -6000/-
Rajib Kr Singh- OdishaJoint Bronze Medal -3000/-
Deepak kr Samantara -Odisha
Ranjit Jose -Kerela Women’s KataGold medal -10.000/-
Sarmila Garu -Maharashtra Silver Medal -6000/-
Gouri Mohanty -OdishaJoint Bronze Medal -3000/-
Tumpa Karmakar -West Bengal
Himadri Rajbongshi -AssamBENGAL IS VERY PROUD OF YOU